The Truth About Bathing Your Dog

bathing your dog

bathing your dog

Here is a list of funny things that I have found to be true when bathing your dog yourself.

1) You will get soaked.

No matter how hard you try the likelihood of you walking away from bathing your dog not covered in dog hair and water is little to none.

2) Your bathroom will be a mess.

If you wash your dog in the bathtub there will likely be water everywhere. You will also have hair everywhere. It’s better to just accept this and use the extra water to clean the bathroom when you are done.

3) Don’t shower before bathing your dog.

Save this for after you bath your dog. You will likely be covered in soap and water and dog hair once your dog is clean.

4) Beware of the floor.

The floor will likely be covered in soap and water and lets face it be slippery and a hazard!

5) Don’t let your dog escape the bathroom. (Shut the bathroom door)

Given the chance my dog would run out the bathroom and lay on the bed or anything soft. This would then cause what she laid on to be soaking wet!


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